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When I first saw the Wii...


What were all your reactions when you first saw the Wii?

Here's mine:


(the cat in the background would be my younger sister exclaiming how nerdy I am)
What? They took away my precious buttons!?! Destroy foolish humans!

Oh wait, it can still use the GNC controller.
I know that now that I've tried it, but I was very... distressed... at first. Can you imagine Super Smash Bros. with the Wiimote? Disaster!
I know that now that I've tried it, but I was very... distressed... at first. Can you imagine Super Smash Bros. with the Wiimote? Disaster!

Isn't brawl gonna be with the classic controller? That's what I last heard...but I don't know...
I exploded with joy ... but reformed so that I could play my Wii.

BTW its an Atomic Explosion.
This was what I was like:


Go White Ranger! Haha, get it? Cause the Wii is white... aw, nevermind.

Sweet. I killed the thread!