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You're a 90's Kid If...

You know the theme song to "Rocko's Modern Life"
You would laugh at Gary Coleman for something besides his career
You tried to reach the cookie jar
Your remember Nickelodeon without Spongebob
You'd watch "All That" instead of SNL
Homework only took 30 minutes
You had a favorite Super Mario Kart character
You drank "Arthur" Apple Juice

... I feel nostalgic.
You're a 90's Kid if you remember when you could joke about anything without fear of being sued or arrested...

that is so true...
and i have to agre with other people was the down fall of tv as we know it. now they have shows like rugrats all grown up, fairly odd parents, Charlie and lola. these shows today try to teach us something but all these shows annoy the crap out of us. they should have a channel for all the good ol shows. that would be great
they should have a channel for all the good ol shows. that would be great
They used to have Nick GAS which was all the old game shows but i think they got rid of it. I liked the show Figure it Out (i probably already mentioned that somewhere in this thread but ah well.)
A long time ago in a our very own Galaxy there was once the peaceful moralfilled shows :
Batman/Superman adventures
Pinky and the Brain (Best show ever!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Carman San Deagio

The fact that my grandparents had Dial-up Internet and I could go onto It was Da Bomb

If you ever reminded your selve that you aren't a jedi(In public) but in the 90's the would stand for hours tring to use "The Force" You might be a 90's kid

If you rember a time before Justin was obcessed with War You might be a 90's KId

If you were thrilled to have a 3rd generation Saga Genisis and looked forward too visiting you aunts house because he had a SNES you might be a 90's kid

If you ever got up early on saturday for the cartoons and go back to bed if you saw them already you might be a 90's kid

if you know too many "you might be a redneck" jokes you might be a 90's kid (Jeff foxworthy's redneck stuff started in the 90's) you might be a 90's kid

And finaily if you remember th Jackie Chan Adventures cartoon at the twilight of the 90's you might just be a 90's kid

(of course some of us still think we are jedi's)
If you remember watching DECENT saturday morning cartoons

If you remember a time where idiots didn't censor Bugs Bunny, saying it's too violent while letting their 8 year olds play stuff like Resident Evil at the same time.

If you enjoy(ed) board games such as Scrabble, Risk, Stratego, Life, or Monopoly.
At one point, cartoons became unable to say "dead". I always payed particular attention to that.

"Is he...?"
"Yes..." >_>
WTF they can't say dead anymore what the hell is socitey coming to

I agree with the Lt. they can't say dead on tv shows anymore but they can say the word sexy? like in fairly odd parents and even in spongebob, they said the word sexy. so if they can't say dead and then can say sexy, thats just wrong.