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Zelda for Wii U

I'm excited! I can't really make any predictions on Zelda WiiU as of yet, (aside from the possibility of a more Zelda-1 style adventure?), but I'm excited to see what Nintendo will do with Wind Waker HD. I'm holding out for additional content along with the graphic boost, much like what they did with Ocarina of Time DS (OK, MQ was released previously, but they mirrored the world to add a little extra flavor) or the Color Dungeon for LA DX.

The wait for E3 begins...
Wind Waker was one of the games that I thought had a good amount of substance to, though. I honestly can't think of much they could add in. Change, yes, but add in? No. The Tingle Tuner is one thing where if they don't do something with by using the tablet controller, I will be shocked.
I can't find the source now for the life of me, but if I remember correctly there were two additional dungeons planned that were ultimately scrubbed in the interest of getting the game out sooner, replaced by the Triforce hunt. My thought is, it would be interesting if they included one of those dungeons, or a combination of the two, as a bonus dungeon.

The game will be remastered in HD, yes, but it would still be nice to see something like that if I'm going to buy a game I already own.

100% agree on the Tingle Tuner use with the gamepad!
I'm not sure how I feel about Wind Waker HD. The graphics look a little too high-def for what the original game was. But, who knows, maybe something cool will come out of it. I really hope they give us some good additional content. If I'm going to spend $60 on a ten year old, upgraded, game there better be some new stuff!

Just saying, I mean, I have faith Nintendo will pull through on that one.
Although I'm not too hopefull, I would LOVE to see the two scrubbed dungeons included in the HD release. Although...I'd have to buy a Wii U first...
I'm really excited for the new HD version of Wind Waker. I've already pre-ordered it, here in Arizona. I'm just wondering what Nintendo has in store for a new Zelda storyline to go with a brand-new game. We can all virtually guess who's going to be in it, but would it be possible to bring back Ganondorf once more??
Apparently, and I wish I had a link for this at the moment, the rumors that are going around is that Nintendo is talking about trying harder to make it not as linear, and that they're going to try again to put in a multiplayer aspect.

For the non-lineararity, I'm torn. I agree that the linear aspect of Zelda has made it stall in the past ten years. But on the other hand they attempted to make Skyward Sword non-linear, and ended up making it linear but extremely vague on where you needed to go.

As for multiplayer, I'm confident they can pull it off. They seemed to be on the right track when they made the two Four Swords games, anyway. They just need to take that formula and polish it a bit.
I think the real issue with Skyward Sword is not so much liner aspects of the game, but rather Fi's nagging. What could have been a relatively free experience was made linear by Fi constantly giving you direction, even when you didn't want it. For me at least, it goes without saying that Skyward Sword was fantastic, but I do hope that Nintendo took notice of comments concerning aspects that made the game feel more linear then it was (if the text in Hyrule Historia is any indication, they've taken note and will fix it for next time).

That said, I'm a little torn on multiplayer. I'm trying to figure out how that would work, especially since each WiiU only comes with one WiiU Gamepad (and I remember reading somewhere the WiiU can support up to two at once). Absurd peripheral purchases, not exactly the best way to get your game out there.
That said, I'm a little torn on multiplayer. I'm trying to figure out how that would work, especially since each WiiU only comes with one WiiU Gamepad (and I remember reading somewhere the WiiU can support up to two at once). Absurd peripheral purchases, not exactly the best way to get your game out there.

Same! But, as long as it doesn't spoil the single player experience, I'd be OK with it. I doubt they'll do anything to really screw up Zelda. Like Stealthylight said in his WW article, we've never really had a, "bad" Zelda game, so I trust they'll think before doing something terrible to the game mechanics.