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Zelda... The manga!

What Zelda Mangas have you read?

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Deus Ex Machina
Who here has read any of the Zelda mangas? I'm currently reading the Ocarina of Time, and I also have Majora's Mask, the two oracle mangas, and the minish cap manga. I cannot seem to locate A Link to the Past, nor the FSA ones.
I've read them and own them all... They are all really great to read... I'm looking forward to other Manga books that I can get my Hyrulian Hands on... ;)
There's one way... I know another, but, under classification, I'm not allowed to discuss it here... Somewhere else could be a more formible place.
I loved how they personafied Link. It's just as I imagined him. A bit obsessed with food, though.