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ZeldaGuardian's YouTube Channel


The Great Sage of The Seven Sages
Hello everyone. I am The Great Sage, Leader and Founder of The Seven Sages... Webmaster and Creator of Guardian Sages, Where Knowledge is Born... I'm here to tell you all about my YouTube Channel...

Now, I've had a YouTube Channel for the last 5+ years... I've uploaded stupid videos of me and my friends being dumb and whatnot. I even uploaded a serious video where I was talking about life and such. However, I recently started re-working that channel. I took down all the Videos and whatnot I had on that channel and turned it into a Let's Play channel. I have been able to sit down and record me playing some games on my computer to upload to YouTube for anyone to see...

Now, if you're not really familiar with Let's Plays and YouTubers, I will try to explain it the best that I can. However, if you already know, then you can ignore this paragraph. :) Now... From what I know, you record yourself playing a game and you do your own commentary, while you're playing the game. You can do friendly banters with yourself, repeat what the game is telling you to do, and more... As for me?? I've just been recording games that I've played and doing my own commentary over it. I haven't done any Webcam recording with the Let's Plays yet, mainly because I need a better computer for it

I've recorded 4 games, thus far... I started out with a game called BattleTanx - Global Assault for the Nintendo 64. Then I recorded Legend of Zelda 1986. Then I recorded Super Mario World. And currently, I've been doing the Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past. BattleTanx - Global Assault, Super Mario World, and Legend of Zelda 1986 are all online and ready to watch, in case any one is interested. I'm currently on Episode 4 of the A Link to the Past series. I'm going to be recording even more videos and games, but that doesn't mean I'm going to run out of ideas... As a matter of fact, if you have a request or want me to record a game, by all means... You can respond to this thread, PM me here, or send your request to: YouTube_TGS@yahoo.com. I always check that email, on a daily basis.

I'll place a link here to check out the Channel. If you happen to like the content, please Hit that Like Button as many times a possible!! Go ahead and subscribe to the channel today to get more updates on Livestreams and when new Videos are coming out. Until next time, I am The Great Sage saying: "Good Night and Game On."

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Hey everyone, The Great Sage here. Just wanted to give everyone a news update on my channel. On November 23rd, 2016, I was overlooking my channel, wondering and thinking about my next Let's Play series... I had received a notification that my channel received a new subscriber. After checking the channel, I soon realized that I finally hit 50 Subscribers!! Soo, I've been trying to put together a 50 Subscriber Video. It'll be a Thank You Video, along with new updates on future Let's Plays. I will edit this post, adding the link after I'm done editing, finalizing, and uploading my video. Until next time, I am The Great Sage saying: "Good Night and Game On."

Here's the link to the 50 Subscribers Milestone Video:
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