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Currently listening to?

I don't want to sleep right now... So here's a chain of songs starting at 3:15 AM and ending whenever. =)

Oh L'Amour by Erasure.

I heard it on the satellite radio earlier, and I thought I'd give it another listen.

Love Train by The O'Jays.

It's a good song, with a wonderful tune that makes you just want to sing along. It's one of those 'happy songs' which is something that no matter what mood you listen to it in, you tend to usually come out of listening to it happy.

Always Smiling from Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix.

Worthless, terrible game with a crappy, tiny mat. I still like this though, some of the music was actually pretty good despite the game overall being a horrible travesty.

All Over the World by Electric Light Orchestra.

One of my favorite songs of all-time. This is one of the few things that have never failed at cheering me up when I'm not feeling my greatest or if I'm down for one reason or another. <3 ELO.

Grandmaster Theme from the Pokemon Trading Card Game.

I really have no clue how this fits in with my list at all, it just came up and I listened to it. It really shows how well some video game music was composed, even with poor sound quality and tools to make it and a lack of available instrumentation.

Club Master Theme from the Pokemon Trading Card Game.

This, along with the Grandmaster Theme are absurdly addictive to me... I've been listening to them back and forth for the past 40 minutes or so... It is quite good in any case.

Proud Soldier [Theme of Gage] from Advance Wars: Days of Ruin.

It appears at the time that I'm on a video game music binge... I'll probably end within the next few I think. We'll see...

Hope Never Dies [Theme of Brenner] from Advance Wars: Days of Ruin.

My favorite piece in the game, and it appears that this streak of game music continues as of 4:28 AM.

Scatman by Scatman John.

It's almost 5, and I'm watching Shrek while listening to this. It's actually quite amusing.

Beautiful World by Utada Hikaru.

I don't know really. It's a wonderful song sung by someone with a wonderful voice.
I hate to admit this. A lot. Like, seriously... I might be listening to Taylor Swift but you all could have just imagined that.
you're right. what else am I to do? I need a life. Yeah, I think I'll go get a life... I'm listening to myself type this post.