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Currently listening to?

gluck! except there's a double-dot thing over the u but I don't know how to force my computer to make it. by herbert groenomeyer or something like that. german guy. the song's in german. i don't understand a word of it. except my friend and I "translated" it. it's awesome.
thick as a brick? is that a song about your skull? oohhhhhh burrrrnnnn

they're taking the hobbits to isengard! (meh spelling?!?!?!)
It's actually a song about a young poet in an unknown time period who was forced to take up a position of power in his household when all his brothers and his father were sent to war and eventually became a warrior himself building his domain and gathering much power to make up for his missing family, but challenging and defeating his own father in a duel after he returns from war to reclaim his home, only to have a sudden insightful revelation many years later invoking the child poet inside him to show that peace is the only worthwhile objective to struggle for, and so he resigns from his powerful position and educates the youth of the world on the ways of a peaceful and carefree life.

Wow run-on much.

Oh, and **** you.
******* often involves poking. But I didn't think that was your kind of thing.

South Side of the Sky by Yes.
All Time Low should go J.D. Salinger so that we don't have to listen to the disgusting noise they call music.

Two Step by The Dave Mathews Band