I have recently come across the hardest game ever.
I wanna be the guy, is the epic tale of the kid who sets out on a journey to defeat the guy, and thus become the guy himself. That is all the story you are given before being thrusted into the vicious world of this game. The game makes no pretense of being fair. The slightlest touch of any dangerous object can and will cause you character to instantly die, and with secret traps litterally everywhere, the words of the creator of this game that "Nowhere you go will be safe" ring true.
The game is free to download, and can be found here:
If you foolishly decide to try this game, I can give you only two pieces of advice:
1. Take the path immediately above you at the start, as this is the 'easiest'
2. Apples can fall up. If you wonder what this means, play the game and you will find out.
Playing on the lowest difficulty setting, medium, I've managed to defeat 2 out of 8 bosses so far, only dying 800 times in the process (the game keeps track of your deaths, and this is not an exaggeration)
If anyone else tries it, post and tell us how well you do.
I wanna be the guy, is the epic tale of the kid who sets out on a journey to defeat the guy, and thus become the guy himself. That is all the story you are given before being thrusted into the vicious world of this game. The game makes no pretense of being fair. The slightlest touch of any dangerous object can and will cause you character to instantly die, and with secret traps litterally everywhere, the words of the creator of this game that "Nowhere you go will be safe" ring true.
The game is free to download, and can be found here:
If you foolishly decide to try this game, I can give you only two pieces of advice:
1. Take the path immediately above you at the start, as this is the 'easiest'
2. Apples can fall up. If you wonder what this means, play the game and you will find out.
Playing on the lowest difficulty setting, medium, I've managed to defeat 2 out of 8 bosses so far, only dying 800 times in the process (the game keeps track of your deaths, and this is not an exaggeration)
If anyone else tries it, post and tell us how well you do.