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Youtube Thread

When you get the chance look up "Super Mario Frustration" and look for the 23 minute video.

It's some guy recording his voice while he plays SMF and it's so funny to hear him curse. His accent makes it all the better
I have my own youtube account, which is Zerg006

There's only 4 videos, and the Jet-Li one sucks cause it was my first one.

But I have the best bits of Red VS Blue from awhile back
Some cool videos to search for are

Daft Hands (A guy/girl wrote the words to Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger on their fingers, and flicks them up as the words are said. It's actually pretty cool.)

Daft Hands - Technologic (Same thing as above, but with Technologic. And the hands are COVERED in words)

400 pound 7 year old. (Just like the name says. And she even asks the cameraman if he has any popcorn. It's so bad to laugh at, but I couldn't help it)