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Youtube Thread

I would highly recomend Yugio the Abridged Series on Youtube. It's hillarious.
"I am Seto Kaiba, and this blimp is roughly one third the size of my ego."


While you're at it, might as well watch the Naruto Abridged Series.

http://youtube.com/watch?v=78GVZRCk4FA - Zero Mercy 1

http://youtube.com/watch?v=sXSKhtJcc5U - Zero Mercy 2

http://youtube.com/watch?v=lz1mRt2YbZM - Zero Mercy 3

http://youtube.com/watch?v=PnyLZshS2UU - Zero Mercy 3 (1/4 speed)

These videos showcase a human when endowed with the ability and reflexes of a computer in Super Smash Bros. This proves how much of a cheating bastard the computer really is, and how easy those level nines are... Compared with how good they could be...

EDIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOtwrtOGso8&NR=1

I thought this was amazing...

I'm in a Final Fantasy mood right now. Just for kicks, I went back and played Final Fantasy X. I found my old file, and I decided, hey, I'm gonna go beat the game ...

The long story short, I 2 hit Seymour, The Final Form of Jecht, and Yu Yevon, and 1 hit everyone else.