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Currently listening to?

Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts I-V) by Pink Floyd.

They put parts V-IX at the end of the Wish You Were Here album even though they were written together.

The song is about 26 minutes in total.
Livin' Lovin' Maid by Led Zeppelin.

I'm pissed off that they sold out to iTunes. Zeppelin only sold out to one song so far and that was to the movie "School of Rock". This is totally not Zeppelin style, they're ruining themsleves.
Power, Wisdom, Courage

By Powerglove

IT'S A METAL VERSION OF ZELDA!! IT STARTS OUT WITH THE SONG OF TIME!!!!! Seriously though check out this band. It's a metal band that does videogame music
You Never Give Me Your Money by the Beatles

I never thought I would like the Beatles until I took a rock years class this semester.