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Currently listening to?

Ten Speed of God's Blood and Burial by Coheed and Cambria

this song is about an evil bicycle named Ten Speed....:p
Ewww, you all need to find better music... Specifically you, Mr. Cuddles.

Try listening to:
Neutral Milk Hotel. Andrew Bird. Feist. Maria Taylor. Bright Eyes. Elliott Smith.

All of those are very good.
who the heck are they

hannah montanna is kind of annoying >_>

Don't Stop Believing by Journey
Disturbed is actually pretty good.

Hannah Montana should be dead, I'm not sure why no one has shot her yet.

Listening to Hot Stuff by the Rolling Stones.
Meh, I listened to the first one and I personally didn't think it was that great. And I've listened to Bright Eyes before and I am not a fan of them, so yeah..... No offense, but your music is not the greatest in my opinion. But that's just me.

Anyway, Good Vibrations by The Beach Boys.
About 7/8ths through the first songs, it sounded like something was getting slaughtered in the background. It was pretty bad -_-
hey guys if u didnt now, i was kdding about hannah montana. im a sum 41 , my chemical romance, and gorrilaz fan. o yea cant forget journey
Everything by Buckcherry

I never really heard a Jounery tribute/cover. But any song is always better with the original artist.