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The Official Zeldasages Political Thread

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Oh man, this got me so mad... at the democratic debate last night Obama said he would immediately meet with Raul Castro and Clinton said she would wait until changes were made. Changes need to be made in that country before we can talk with them.

While we're at it: Was the US right in supporting Kosovo?
Oh man, this got me so mad... at the democratic debate last night Obama said he would immediately meet with Raul Castro and Clinton said she would wait until changes were made. Changes need to be made in that country before we can talk with them.
Obama's likely to meet with Raul Castro to negotiate changes, Clinton is saying "Let'em do it on their own, whatever." Huh, I actually support Clinton on this one, I just thought I'd point out what the candidates meant because it's not the American style to not screw up every other country and your interpretation seemed totally wrong.
Obama said that he would meet with Raul for purpose of trying to achieve change. He would only meet with them if reform is one of the items on the agenda. Personally I think this is the better choice, because ignoring Cuba for years has accomplished nothing.
Ok, i see. I misunderstood then. I still see nothing getting accomplished by talking to them but ignoring them hasn't exactly helped either. It's kind of hard to want to make peace with a country that pointed nuclear missiles at you.
Ok, i see. I misunderstood then. I still see nothing getting accomplished by talking to them but ignoring them hasn't exactly helped either. It's kind of hard to want to make peace with a country that pointed nuclear missiles at you.
You know the reason for that? It's because the U.S. put missles in Turkey right after WWII. America was pointing missles at the Soviets long before they used Cuba.
hey didnt castro step down in cuba as dictator? ya he served 49 years and then he quit....should have gone for 50. tis a shame.. and ya america is evil! they say the first amendment is freedom of speech and expression...when my friend tried doing that the cops had to talk to him -.-
Are you kidding me? It's good he didn't rule for 50 years, he's a bad man 0.0
Something needs to be done there... it's so bad that they all have to come to us...

About the freedom of speech thing... last year some cop came to my school and lectured us on how it's against the law to harass people by name-calling and stuff. Just out of curiousity, doesn't that fall under the category of freedom of speech?
About the freedom of speech thing... last year some cop came to my school and lectured us on how it's against the law to harass people by name-calling and stuff. Just out of curiousity, doesn't that fall under the category of freedom of speech?
Nope, it violates the rights of others. You are free to speak whatever you want, as long as it doesn't violate others.
Castro did a damn good job of keeping America on its toes for five decades and you know what happened here when he stepped down? Nothing because people were more concerned about Heath Ledger accidentally ODing on his sleeping medication.
About the freedom of speech thing... last year some cop came to my school and lectured us on how it's against the law to harass people by name-calling and stuff. Just out of curiousity, doesn't that fall under the category of freedom of speech?

this does fall under freedom of speech!!! your expresing he is a wierdo!! how is that freedom of speech
About the freedom of speech thing... last year some cop came to my school and lectured us on how it's against the law to harass people by name-calling and stuff. Just out of curiousity, doesn't that fall under the category of freedom of speech?

this does fall under freedom of speech!!! your expresing he is a wierdo!! how is that freedom of speech
It's called "Quoting".
Wow, you're such a wierdo.

But how is that violating Mr.Cuddle's rights.
It's called "Quoting".
Wow, you're such a wierdo.

But how is that violating Mr.Cuddle's rights.
Stating an opinion is perfectly legal, as long as it is made clear that it is an opinion.

Stating something about someone as fact is always legal if it is true.

If the comments you make cause undue suffering or damages to another person, and they can prove that the comments were stated both falsely and maliciously, they have grounds to sue you.
...and people wonder why we delete and edit your rude posts. Why? It's far nice than what the government will do to you :D.
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