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Official Riddle Thread!

1. Yes, it is really funny.
2. He robbed a house and took a model bank worth more than the actual house he was robbing.
Yeah, it was short, but it had its moments.

I am going to guess he was an actor to test the banks security
A man was to be sentenced, and the judge told him, "You may make a statement. If it is true, I'll sentence you to four years in prison. If it is false, I'll sentence you to six years in prison." After the man made his statement, the judge decided to let him go free. What did the man say?
OMG... I think I figured it out!!!! (thanks for the help slyguy and zeroth)
he said "You'll sentence me to six years in prison" but if he were to sentence him to six years in prison that would mean that it's false but that would make it true so he would have to sentence him to 4 years in prison but if he were to do that that would mean its what he said was true so.... blah blah blah :)

as for andrew's riddle... bleh
sadly. thats sortof the answer. good job dude.

A man goes home at 4pm and see his wife cooking, he then goes take a nap and when he woke up (at 7pm) a marvelous dinner was prepared. At 10 pm they go to bed. In the morning at 7am, he killed her. Why?
#1: the food was so delicious, he went insane.
#2: ...DOUBLE POST DOUBLE POST DOUBLE POST! I caught you! Ha! Give me a raise!
....you didn;t answer my question! You all sicken me... anyay Tates riddle answer is He didn;t eat the dinner! Another man did! affair I say!