It’s me teddy, doing the newest mailbag! After a few months of no mailbag.. AGAIN, I’m finally posting the questions you wanted answers to! Hurrah! Remember to submit questions because without them, I get bored! So, without further adieu, the July 2008 mailbag!
animaldude asks:
Why do we park in driveways and drive in parkways?
i am a teddy answers:
This is because the people who made such words were obviously not thinking anyone would question them! But in all seriousness… A parkway has nice scenery around it like a park and a driveway is driven on, regardless if you park on it or not!
i am a teddy asks:
Bob, it seems to me that some members used to be staff. How would I recognize one of these members? Do they get recognition or do they suffer in silence?
i am a teddy responds to his own question:
They suffer in silence 🙂
Slyguy46 asks:
Bob, what is your stand on a new game in the Oracle Series? Also, to Versac, are you any less dark then when you were the Dark Webmaster
Bob answers:
I wouldn’t mind a new game in the Oracle series. After all, a third game was planned for release although never really saw the light of day. As for Versac he is out in the wilderness until the end of July…so I’m just going to answer that question by saying no (especially since he still has the dark webmaster banner under his name).
i am a teddy asks:
Bob, have you ever killed a man?
Bob answers:
Well…there was this one time…
Targelion asks:
Are you guys more classic gamers or do you prefer today’s games with better graphics. etc.?
i am a teddy answers:
In my own opinion, a good game is a good game! The classics, of course, hold special places in our hearts, but every once in a while we require an injection of fresh blood. My favorite classic is definitely Super Mario Bros! So to answer your question, I enjoy a mixture of both!
UltimaLink007 asks:
How much do you think MGS4 will affect the PS3’s position as a console competing with the Wii and X-Box 360?
i am a teddy answers:
With the release of MSG4 the position of the PS3 will obviously increase (and has). Using its worldwide popularity, it will be able to sell an incredibly amount of copies in a short time! Before it can totally blow away the competition however, it will need a few more good games to cement its position. As of now a majority of analysts still view the PS3 as slightly lagging.