Before time began, before spirits and life existed…
Ok, you can be assured we are not that old. Nevertheless, Zelda Sages has a rich history that actually dates back to July of 2001! So, why not take a look at our rich history!
~ The Story ~
The inspiration for Zelda Sages came from an unlikely place, summer camp. At a small rural YMCA summer camp in July of 2001 a younger Bob found friendship in a young man by the name of Vince. Both Bob and Vince shared a love for the Legend of Zelda series. Vince told Bob about an Expage site he was working on, Zelda Home. Zelda Home mainly concentrated on Ocarina of Time information, so Vince offered the idea that Bob create his own site. At this point, even with the tools provided by Expage, Bob’s HTML knowledge and ability was at a level of zero. Luckily, Vince was able to aide Bob and the site was constructed. Of course, there was still a matter of the name of this new website. Bob thought long and hard about a name for this website, and then it hit him like a bag of bricks! Well, more so an Ocarina of Time magazine flew off the shelf that just happened to open to the page listing each sage. It was then the name Zelda Sages was born.
Vince and Bob worked closely on the expage sites. The sites lasted for three years until it was clearly time to upgrade. Bob received numerous E-Mails asking him to make a full blown website, which Bob decided to honor. He told Vince about the idea and work began. Bob purchased the domain name in May of 2004 as well as a Vbulletin forum license to encourage communication between visitors until the site was operational. At the start of Zelda Sages, Vince, aka Dr_Mean, became the first Co-Webmaster. Construction of Zelda Sages was going along well and it looked like it would be ready for an early 2005 launch. However, Vince had to leave the project to peruse his dream of game development and shortly after the unthinkable happened. One day, Bob went to boot his computer to find out he had suffered a drive failure. Of the information Bob was able to recover, the Zelda Sages documents were not among them. The initial launch was delayed until October 11, 2006.
On November 5th, 2006 Bob relaunched Zelda Sages after what had been advertised as a 24 hour maintenance of the forums. In less than one month the staff of Zelda Sages was able to send everything over to a new content management system, which is rather impressive if you think about it. It was at this point that Zelda Sages was really able to become mainstream and earn its place amongst the ranks of other Zelda communities.
In the present day, Zelda Sages has accumulated hundreds of members, loads of new features, lots of wacky people, great art and stories, affiliation with strong members of the Zelda community, and a host of news to satisfy the Zelda hungry fan. From this day to each preceding Zelda Sages will continue to serve the Zelda fan until the very day the internet explodes, or someone can no longer pay the hosting bill :).
~Timeline of Events~
July 14, 2001- Bob put up expage for Zeldasages
May 14, 2004- Bob buys the Zelda Sages domain name
May 23, 2004- Lt_Justin becomes the first site staff member
February 25, 2005- Dr_Mean steps down from the Co-Webmaster possition to persue game development
September 4, 2005- Cèsar becomes a member of the writing staff
March 7, 2006- Zeldaguardian is appointed Co-Webmaster
April 16, 2006- Windmage is hired as a site writer
October 11, 2006- launches!
November 5, 2006- The new and forum launches after 24 hours of SHUTDOWN. (Also Here)
November 7, 2006- Versac is appointed to the role of Dark Webmaster
December 17, 2006- The first official Sage in Training election begins. Animaldude, Ultimalink007, and Slyguy46 are all nominees but due to the fact that no one received 75% of the vote, there was no winner.
animaldude 66.67% of vote
UltimaLink007 44.44% of vote
Slyguy46 44.44% of vote
December 25, 2006- Bob explains his plans for the future of Zeldasages
January 21, 2007- The first mailbag goes up
January 27, 2007 – Second S.I.T. election. After some changes to the system, another election was held, with Animaldude winning in a landslide victory, and UltimaLink007 being given a win via Staff Override. The first two Sages in Training were elected!
animaldude: 16 94%
UltimaLink007: 7 42%
Guardian of Ice: 5 30%
February 3, 2007- Cèsar steps down from the staff for time purposes
June 23, 2007- After an epic fight to the death with UltimaLink007, Animaldude was appointed as ZeldaSages’ first Sage.
June 30, 2007- ZeldaGuardian resigns from the post of Co-Webmaster after a scandal had been uncovered.
July, 2007- October 3, 2007- Windmage fills in as a temporary co-webmaster
October 3, 2007- Versac is appointed the new Co-Webmaster of Zelda Sages
October 21, 2007- The FanFiction section is created. A few site cosmetic changes take place *Thanks Forsaken Legend :)*
November 6, 2007- The Zelda Sages chatroom goes live after a donation period
June 25, 2008- i am a teddy joins the staff as a staff writter
October 18, 2008- UltimaLink007 becomes the second Sage after animaldude was voted out of the rank
August 9, 2009- Zelda Sages began publishig staff editorials, the first titled “Ocarina of Time, Still on Top?” by Webmaster Bob
February 4, 2013- Zelda Sages relaunches with a brand-new style and a new forum. It was the first redesign in over 6 years!
January 14, 2021- Webmaster Bob places Zelda Sages into hibernation. Will it ever wake from it’s slumber? Who know, but perhaps one day a young boy will find the Triforce of Courage and wake Zelda Sages from its slumber.
~Layouts of the Past~
May 2004 – October 2006

October 2006 – December 2006

December 2006 – November 2007

November 2007 – February 2013

February 2013 – January 2022