Generic Update

Hello everyone! I would like to begin by apologizing for the lack of updating in the past month or so. I have been INCREDIBLY preoccupied with college business and haven’t really found the time to sit down and type up an update. Getting to Zelda, we have a few updates to be discussed (thought you’ve probably heard of them by now).

1. With a 99% assurance that we will see something (most likely a trailer) at E3 this year, there is also the possibility that there will be playable demos, as Mr. Aonuma has stated.

2. It seems that new hardware on both the handheld and the home console fronts are on the horizon. Undeniably, this will indefinitely effect the the future of Zelda games, as to be discussed in later updates.

3. On the 24th of February, which is two days from now incases you didn’t know:), Nintendo will be holding a Media Summit to reveal some “big surprises”, and Nintendo power mentioned in their latest issue that they had a some surprises planned for next issue. Could we be on the verge a a Zelda revelation? I’m reluctant to think so, as I would be surprised to see anything Zelda related until E3, but there always is the possibility.

That’s really all for the main ideas. I will try to update on other, less official things in the future (such as other fan sites). Also, there is the possibility that I may be attending E3 with a very good friend this year. And if so, I would hopefully be able to give my own coverage of the event, which I think would be awesome for the site. Speaking of the site, we have some good stuff coming your way.Things have finally been mobilizing for Webmasterbob and the rest of us, and we will make the changes ASAP. Finally, I am in the proses of working on my first editorial for the site, which will be on our collective opinions and desires for the upcoming Zelda game. I am trying as hard as I can to push it out by the end of this month, but if I am a little late, I apologize. Well, that’s all for now! Lets keep our fingers crossed for the 24th. Zelda or no Zelda, this looks like it’s going to be a very good year for the Nintendo faithful!!

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