The October mailbag is a lie.

Well. You all obviously listened to my plea for more mailbag questions. Think I got only a few? LOLZ! I have Thirty Seven -.- 37 questions to answer… So, since it is half way through the month, I haven’t started, and my biology class and various choirs are controlling my life, the mailbag will not come out this October. Sorry my faithful friends! My laziness will be redeemed however! Look forward to November 1st, where I will have, THE SUPER MEGA EPIC WINNABLE HULLABALOO NOVEMBER MAILBAG O’ FUN!!!! This amazing mailbag will consist of all the questions from now and until then. Naturally, I’ll kill you all if you send me any more philosophical questions tht require paragraph answers. But, it’s up to you. Send in more questions and make me cry if you must. So far, the number one sender is surprisingly, yoyolll. Beat him. Ides of March and UltimaLink007 follow close behind in 2nd and 3rd. Want to be number one? I’ll announce the person on November 1st!! All your questions are belong to me.

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