Stealthylight’s The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Top 5


I am planning on posting one each week until the release of OoT 3D. The different areas I will choose from and the dates I plan on posting them are as follows:

1. Dungeons 5/14

2. Songs 5/21

3. Items 5/28

4. Enemies 6/4

5. Bosses/Mini Bosses 6/11

6. Characters 6/18

7. Settings 6/19

8. Moments 6/19

(Note: Dates listed may be subject to change depending on how busy I am.)

Please note that everything to be posted here is the complete opinion of myself, and is not the collective view of Zelda Sages. Expect the first entry, Top 5 Dungeons, next week.

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