Codes and Secrets – Hidden Skills – Review – Walkthrough
~In the peaceful Ordona Province a young wrangler prepares to set out on a journey to Hyrule. His duty is to present a sword to the royal family, as a gift for the upcoming festivities. All seems well, his peers and village children are all proud. Yet, a sudden attack on the village Spring sends our hero flying into a world unlike any other, a world which turned him from man…to beast.~
The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess was probably one of the most anticipated Legend of Zelda games to date. Constant delays and a shift to a next generation game console stacked years onto development. Twilight Princess was the first Legend of Zelda game to be released on two consoles within a short span. The two version are each mirrored, so turning left in the Wii version would need turning right in the GCN version. The long wait for Twilight Princess was well worth it for the community, as per current reviews Twilight Princess scores an average of 9.7. Twilight Princess did not exactly break Ocarina of Times hold as the, “Best Zelda Game” in the minds of many fans, but it is certainly one of the best in the series.