New Twilight Princess Updates

After a good many hours playing Twilight Princess *56 to be exact, without the sidequests* I’ve gone through one of the most enjoyable games I’ve ever played.  So, for the last day or so I began work on the Twilight Princess site section.  It is now up and operational, and includes our review.  I would like to note the review contains some small spoilers, so if you do not want to be spoiled the game earned a 100%.  We’ll begin creating the guides very shortly, starting with the final battle movie as it will be the hardest to create.  So, why not zip on by to the Twilight Princess section and take a look.  If you’re to lazy to, here’s just a little taste.


I’m still wondering if anyone has figured out one of the Zelda Sages secrets with these things 

Published by webmasterbob