Hey everyone! I'm throwing up this article today to send the word out about a few improvements coming to Zelda Sages in the near future. Before I do that though, I am very happy to announce we have a new affiliate Zelda Rebirth! Zelda Rebirth is a great site including control examples, video news updates, and more. I will also add they have a very nice layout. Be sure to check them out.
Now, onto the other news. I will shortly be working on a few small changes to our skin. These are simply cosmetic changes, not structure changes. These changes will not effect the forum design. Again, this will be coming in in about a week or so and will only effect a few small portions of the design. I also have a few updates planned for the media sections which will appear shortly. Besides that, a few secret projects are still going on behind the scenes, although we're keeping shut about those :).