Changing of the Guard

Well, from tomorrow morning (Friday the 11th) until the night of Sunday the 13th Dan (Versac) will be in charge of Zelda Sages.  I’ll be going on a weekend competition trip to Washington D.C. and may not have access to a computer to properly monitor and work on Zelda Sages.  All site correspondences during this time should be sent to Dan not me; I won’t be there to answer them :).

Almost all areas of Zelda Sages will continue to run as per normal as all staff members have the ability to put up news stories, approve fan work, etc.  The only non-functioning area of Zelda Sages during this time will be affiliation requests as these requests are not stored in the Zelda Sages database and are E-Mailed directly to me.  Link directory request will still function as per normal as these are stored in the database and controlled by our CMS.

Have fun for a few days without me :D.

Published by webmasterbob