New Editorial

Great news!  Although the editorial auto-published itself, I forgot to write an announcement about it, wohoo!  Anyway, we’ve just posted a new editorial title The Perfect Boss Battle over in our editorial section.  Check it out!

Also, a small update on our "New ZS" progress.  Currently, we’re awaiting the software we will be using to become a bit more stable before we take any further action.  The main reasoning behind this is that we don’t want to give you all a site full of bugs; we would much rather you all enjoy your time on Zelda Sages.  Needless to say, however, the design is just about done, and training has already started for staff members in using the new system.  

In any case, get ready for the next couple of weeks.  Something tells me this is going to be a big E3 for Zelda fans across the globe!

Published by webmasterbob