Update on New ZS

Hi there everyone,

I know we are many months behind when we said we were going to move Zelda Sages to a new design, but I want to assure you all the time is coming relatively soon!  We’ve put off porting everything over in an effort to continue to improve the design (based on comments from staff and our S.I.T. members), train staff, and wait for additional bug fixes from the software manufacturer.  You’ll also see a number of really great new features because of the wait, including Facebook connectivity! Our new target is June, which would actually allow us to launch the new site right around E3, our biggest news time of the year.  So, stayed tuned, it will be worth the wait.  We’re considering putting up a few photographs of the new design to hold everyone off for a bit; look for those in a week or two.

Published by webmasterbob