Nintendo Dominates Once Again!

According to the statistics and a featured news story on VG Chartz , a comprehensive console sales statistics website, the Nintendo Wii has officially become the home console leader. According to VG Chartz, as of August 23, 2007, the Nintendo Wii has been sold to 10.57 million consumers compared to the old market leader Xbox 360's 10.51 milion. This puts the Nintendo Wii .6% ahead of Microsoft's market share as of the present. This can also be considered rather astonishing, seeing as the Xbox 360 was released more then a year before the Wii, along with having a huge presence in the United States. This news was also recently featured on G4TV's popular news broadcast "The Feed".

Now, I post this for news sake only, not to be a Nintendo fanboy *though this is a website devoted to a Nintendo franchise after all :)*. Out of what I see here, I can only say I am very happy for Nintendo, especially since this lead in both the hand-held and home market may spark even more great games, including newer installments to the Legend of Zelda series. In the mean time, I'll continue to look forward to the releases of: Phantom Hourglass, Corruption, Galaxy, and you guessed it…Brawl!


(Write-in Note: This story is based off of the VGChartz data being truthful.  Zelda Sages does not endorse the truth in these numbers and has posted this article only to point out something rather astonishing we found on the web today.)

Published by webmasterbob