The Future of Zelda Sages

The first order of business was to seriously evaluate the level of activity from staff members, which proved to be a rather revealing experience.  There will likely be a few staff changes over the course of the next few weeks, so for those of you vying for positions on the staff it may not be a bad idea to keep checking out ZS.  At the same time we also took the liberty of evaluating all our game content, including making a master list of missing content.  Staff members have been assigned to publish a great deal of missing content over the course of the next few weeks.  Why exactly?  Because we want to be able to provide all of you with the Zelda info you need rather than forcing you to outsource.

After talking on the subject of work we began seriously evaluating the current site condition; several things became evident:

1: We need to advertise our existence a bit more.  We have a few plans up our sleeves for that :).
2: More member benefits and more rewards for posting in the forums.
3: More interesting tasks for Sages in Training rather than just a private forum and beta testing.
4: More Zelda-related site specific things (sounds in the chatroom, avatars, etc).
5: More game content types (backstory, etc).
6: Staff members required to attend monthly meetings
7: Cracking down on spam which takes away from community conversation.
8: More video related content.

This is not a finite list.  We will not remove anything from the list, but if anyone feels something else can be added please feel free to post it in the comments section.  Now, all of these will not happen overnight, most of which won’t really happen until our great redesign, but rest assured they will be completed.

The next item up for agenda was reformatting ZS. In a few months time I’m going to start creating an entirely new style based on your suggestions, replace our current content system, and install a substantial upgrade to our forums.  All of Zelda Sages will be integrated far more tightly than the present.  In addition, we’re going to bring back a feature a huge number of you stated in the survey you missed, the ability to change site skins.  Our initial launch will have only one skin, but we’re going to work on producing more and more skins for you to view Zelda Sages in.  The entire style will again, as was the first version of Zelda Sages, be based off of CSS in its entirety.  Translation for the non-tech, basing the style off CSS alone allows us to reach a far wider audience of users AND allow FAR faster development of new skins.

Now, we’re going to be developing all these wonderful new things starting sometime in the next month once we complete our content overhaul.  As far as the most convenient way to switch everything over, we’ve decided on a basic plan that still requires a bit of working.  Rest assured, we’re going to make sure we have as little downtime as possible during the transfer.  When we reach a point where we can share more information in regards to the redesign we will.  For the time being, please send us your comments!


Published by webmasterbob