Jobs at Zelda Sages, Preparing for New Site

Hello to all!  I’m happy to announce today that we have now two positions open for Zelda Sages staff, both writing staff positions. To apply, you must be at least 14 years old, and, well, enjoy playing Zelda. We have a number of applicants from the position a few months back, but we are considering bringing on two more writers as opposed to just one more. Heads up, we’re going to have some major guide overhauls, so if you get the position you will be expected to write guides as well as the standard news, editorials, etc. Head over to the staff form to submit your application now!

On another subject, we are getting closer and closer to launching the brand new Zelda Sages! I know I said it would be up by, well, now, but I decided to add a few more extras as opposed to just rushing it out (had to fix some bugs). Dane and I have been diligently working to get the design just right as well. What we’re looking at as far as time at this point is another week or two to finish up the additional crafting, and a week to run debug tests and crash tests. Because we’re ditching the vBulletin forum software, I’m going to need to invest significant time getting everything ported over to our new software (and getting everything to work). Unless we hit some crazy delays, the new ZS will be up before Christmas. More information on downtime will come as we move closer to the upgrade, but in the meantime you can check out some of what will be new for ZS here.

Hope you’re all enjoying Skyward Sword!

Published by webmasterbob