Zelda, Outsourced?

Yesterday, IGN posted an interesting article relating to an interview they held with Zelda series producer Eiji Aonuma.  Aonuma expanded on Mr. Miyamoto’s comments from last year concerning partnerships with the development of a new Legend of Zelda game.  He mentions that even with the most recent title, Skyward Sword, Nintendo has used outside resources to help achieve better game results.  He comments specifically that, for the next home console Legend of Zelda, Nintendo is seeking outside resources to develop very time-consuming components of the project, namely graphics.  Although it is unclear if there is such a partnership with, say, second party developer Retro Studios, it’s certainly an interesting possibility.  You can check out the full article here.

So, what do you all think?  In the past, Nintendo has collaborated with a number of companies, including Capcom, to help develop the Legend of elda series.  Would you like to see a second party developer, like Retro Studios, or another company have any large influence on the next home console Legend of Zelda game?

Published by webmasterbob